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Land Use & Transportation Committee Review Process

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SE Uplift’s new Neighborhood Planning Program Manager, Leah Fisher, is spending her first days at SE Uplift meeting Land Use and Transportation chairs/representatives and conducting a review of the role and the Land Use Transportation Committee (LUTC).

Webmaster Training

Are you the accidental webmaster in your neighborhood association? Or, maybe you volunteered for the position and want some ideas to make the work more manageable? You’re not alone!

Sharing In Portland

Sharing In Portland During a one-mile walk in the neighborhood, there is a lot to see. There’s the neighbor down the street who rents her extra room to short-term visitors through an online service. There’s the family with a little lending library, offering up old romance novels to passersby on the sidewalk. There’s the coffee shop that is always filled with people typing away on laptops, using the space and… Read More »Sharing In Portland

Portland’s Comprehensive Plan Update is an Onion

Portland’s Comprehensive Plan Update is an Onion By now, you’ve probably heard something about the city’s update to the Comprehensive Plan. This massive undertaking has been ongoing – in one way or another – for years now (roughly since 2007 if you count Vision PDX as part of the process). You’ve probably heard that is important because it helps to set the policies and direction for where and how Portland… Read More »Portland’s Comprehensive Plan Update is an Onion

Lot Splitting

A large property that once had a 1920s bungalow and a generous vegetable garden has been replaced by two separate lots – each with a home much larger than the original bungalow – and each with much less garden space. This is not an uncommon occurrence in Portland these days. As our population grows, so too does the number of lots. This division of land is colloquially referred to as… Read More »Lot Splitting

Grant Smorgasbord

Hear from local grantmakers, enjoy a burger and a beer, and meet other Portland grantee hopefuls! With representatives from five local funders, you’re sure to find a funding opportunity that’s just perfect for your project. At the very least, you’ll leave inspired and ready to move an idea forward in your community. Sorry – we’ve reached capacity for this workshop! Please consider joining us for an upcoming Neighborhood Small Grants Workshop… Read More »Grant Smorgasbord

Stopping ‘Ugly’ Buildings: Extending Portland’s Design Overlay Zone to ‘Neighborhood Centers and Corridors’

Stopping ‘Ugly’ Buildings Extending Portland’s Design Overlay Zone to ‘Neighborhood Centers and Corridors’ It was no less than Winston Churchill who said, “We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” I think about this quote sometimes when I walk through our neighborhoods. Our buildings often give us a sense of place and help to shape our understanding of community. Every neighborhood has buildings that just feel special. Conversely, every neighborhood… Read More »Stopping ‘Ugly’ Buildings: Extending Portland’s Design Overlay Zone to ‘Neighborhood Centers and Corridors’

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