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SE Uplift: Summit on Houselessness 2023

SE Uplift’s  Houselessness Action Committee (HAC) is committed to taking action, fostering collaboration, and driving transformative change. We invite neighbors for an evening of resource sharing and conversation on

Thursday September 7, 2023 | 6-8pm

SE Uplift Headquarters, 3534 SE Main St., Portland, Oregon


Refreshments provided

To register for the event – or with questions contact Alex at
We look forward to seeing you on September 7th !

Changing the narrative about homelessness is an essential step toward addressing the crisis in our community with compassion and understanding. The Houselessnes Action Committee (HAC) of SE Uplift is organized to provide opportunities to engage the community in conversations that contribute to a greater public understanding of the complex factors that contribute to homelessness.

HAC invites our housed and unhoused neighbors to join us for the  Summit on Homelessness on Thursday September 7th from 6:00-8:00 pm.

The Summit will feature:

6-8pm (Outdoor Plaza) Nonprofit Resource Fair

Come learn about the efforts and volunteer needs of local community groups addressing houselessness in Portland featuring Blanchet House, Bradley Angle, Community Warehouse, Path Home, Portland Street Medicine, Raphael House, Welcome Home Coalition and more!

6:15 (Fireside Room)  Success Stories from Local Micro Villages

Over the last few years, micro villages have proven to be an innovative solution to the needs of houseless neighbors in communities throughout Portland. Come to this panel discussion to learn about the challenges that micro villages have overcome through robust community engagement that has won the hearts and minds of once-skeptical neighbors. Featuring speakers from WeShine, Beacon Village and micro village neighbors.

7:15 (Fireside Room) Exploring the Root Causes of Houselessness

Test your assumptions about Portland’s housing crisis during this interactive presentation and community conversation with Welcome Home Coalition. Together we will build a shared understanding of the root causes of houselessness and housing instability, and solutions that we can all get behind.

We will gather neighbors from across our southeast coalition district to meet and mingle with the organizations and projects leading the way in addressing houselessness in our city.

This family-friendly event offers neighbors a meaningful opportunity to connect with grassroots organizations and to get involved in compassionate solutions. Come learn about effective and practical efforts to support our houseless neighbors. We would love to have you join us! 

● Soap bars
● Shampoo
● Tooth brushes
● Toothpaste
● Combs
● Tissues
● Hand wipes
● Hand sanitizer

● Lip Balm
● Sunscreen
● Menstrual health supplies
● Large Ziploc bags
● Deodorant
● Bandages
● Triple antibiotic ointment
● Alcohol wipes

Event Schedule

Thursday September 7th, 2023 SE Uplift 3534 SE Main St., Portland, OR






Presenter/Tabling Set up

Outdoor Plaza/Fireside Room


Mingle with booths/meet and greet

Outdoor Plaza

Guests and organizations mingle


Panel Discussion

Fireside Room

Success Stories from Local

Micro Villages



Outdoor Plaza

A word from our organizers



Fireside Room

Exploring the Root Causes of Houselessness with Welcome Home Coalition

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