About the SE Uplift Board of Directors
SE Uplift is an independent nonprofit organization that has been building community and fostering civic engagement since 1968. Our governing board of directors are volunteers representing organizations and individuals from throughout our 20-neighborhood district. There is a seat at the board table for a representative chosen by every Neighborhood Association in the district, two from Business District Associations, seven from other community groups including nonprofits, businesses or public agencies, and seven at-large individuals. Together this diverse coalition of community advocates work in concert with the staff to advance SE Uplift’s mission.
Each director shall endeavor to promote the objectives of Southeast Uplift to the best of their ability. They are expected to attend monthly board meetings, effectively communicate between the Board and the organization they may represent, and, personally promote and participate in the organization’s activities. Participation in a committee is highly encouraged. If you are interested in board service with SE Uplift, please contact our Executive Director, or explore other ways to get involved through the work of our Committees.
Becoming a SE Uplift Board Member
Nonprofit Organizations, Public Agencies, Business District Associations + At-large Positions
The application period for FY 23/24 board terms is currently closed.
If you work with a community organization including nonprofit, fiscally-sponsored orgs, businesses or public agency; a Business District Association, or are an individual within our district interested in advancing the wellbeing of our communities and amplifying the power of our collective voices, consider applying for a seat on the SE Uplift board!
SE Uplift’s Board Development committee reviews applicants and makes recommendations to the full board of directors who vote on the candidates at the July board meeting.
Neighborhood Association Positions
Every Neighborhood Association in the district may nominate a representative to serve on the SE Uplift Board of Directors. The selection process, timing, and eligibility varies depending on the written process outlined in each Neighborhood Association’s bylaws or other written policy.
Once a Neighborhood Association has selected its nominee, the board chair may complete this Board Member Nomination Form. Using the information on the form, SE Uplift will provide the Nominee with our Digital Board Member Onboarding Handbook which contains materials to read, sign and return to our Executive Director. Once these onboarding materials are received, SE Uplift will arrange for the Board of Directors to seat the Nominee at an upcoming board meeting.
Declaration of Unity
The Southeast Uplift neighborhood program board of directors affirms the rights of all citizens to live and work without fear of intolerance because of their age, disability, income, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or their ethnic, racial or national origin. We honor and encourage the diversity within our neighborhoods and strive to have full participation from all our various groups on our board and in our neighborhood associations.
Board Meetings
Our board welcomes members of our community to attend our executive meetings and board meetings. If you would like to bring an item to the board and be placed on the agenda, please follow the process outlined here. The Executive Committee, with the support of SE Uplift’s Executive Director, will determine if the topic should be brought before the board.
Board meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month from 7-9pm in the SE Uplift Fireside Room and via Zoom. The agenda (link below) includes the Zoom link). The board does not meet in January or July. The Executive Committee meets the third Monday of the month from 5:30-7pm at SE Uplift on the third floor and via Zoom.
As participants in board meeting, each member of the board agrees to hold each other accountable to the following community agreements:
• Come prepared to participate, be curious, and think boldly
• Strive to practice and embody cultural humility and anti-racist values
• Use gender inclusive language
• Encourage and respect diverse perspectives; Allow for questions, dissent, and debate
• Consider the earned and unearned privileges that inform your lived experience and perspectives
• Share the floor, let one person speak at a time, and give people time to express themselves
• Practice the art of “WAITing” by asking: Why Am I Talking?
• Move up/move back – elevate your participation, elevate your listening and reflection
• Intentions do not always align with impact: acknowledge intent, address impact, center the impacted party
• Acknowledge and celebrate our successes!
Anyone violating these agreements or is otherwise disruptive may receive a warning from the chair that continued disruption may result in them being removed from the meeting.
All meetings are being held remotely until further notice. You may access the Zoom link in the board meeting agenda posted via the link below.
Are you a new Neighborhood Association board member looking for resources?
Please visit: SE Uplift – NA Board Member Resources for trainings, tools and information packets for board officer roles.