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Events + Calendar

To see a list of SE Uplift committees, visit our Committees page.

Events + Trainings

6-7:30 PM (Doors Open at 5:30 PM) | Taborspace: 5441 SE Belmont Street) | Admission: Free with registration. Save your spot today!

Hosted by The City Club of Portland, Southeast Uplift District 3 Coalition, KGW8, and XrayFM

Join us to meet your new District 3 City Councilors—Tiffany Koyama Lane, Angelita Morrillo, and Steve Novick! Hear what they’re focused on for District 3, get your questions answered, and share your thoughts on the issues that matter most to you.
The conversation will be moderated by Willamette Week’s Sophie Peel.


This online leadership event is geared specifically for neighborhood association board secretaries to strengthen their best practices and build a network of peers. 


Come meet your fellow secretaries from neighborhood associations within the Southeast Uplift District 3 Coalition at this inaugural quarterly gathering. This event will connect you with your peers, provide tricks through skill shares, and identify ways that you can leverage SE Uplift’s expertise for fulfilling your role as the official record keeper for your neighborhood association.

Save the Date! Complete details coming soon!

Location: Southeast Uplift headquarters: 3534 SE Main Street | Dinner provided. Please pre-register here.

Calling all organizations fiscally sponsored by Southeast Uplift: come meet your peers doing amazing community work in other organizations that are part of the Southeast Uplift fiscal sponsorship family. Together we will build connections and the SE Uplift team will share how to get the most out of your fiscal sponsorship. This event is open to all board members, key volunteers and staff at organizations currently fiscally sponsored by Southeast Uplift. FREE!

This online leadership development event is geared specifically for neighborhood association board treasurers to strengthen their best practices and build a network of peers. 


Come meet your fellow Treasurers from within the Southeast Uplift District 3 Coalition at this inaugural gathering to learn treasurer best practices, and get support from your peers and SE Uplift for fulfilling your important role as your neighborhood association’s treasurer.

This overview of the Portland’s neighborhood system is essential primer for all neighborhood association board members and coalition partners. Check back for details!

District 3 Neighborhood Association Presidents: Help set the April date by providing your availability here.

Building off our successful January gathering, this quarterly event for neighborhood association presidents/chairs will continue in person at Southeast Uplift in April, July, and October! These roundtables will focus on peer networking, skill building and resource sharing among the 19 neighborhood associations located within District 3.

Free! This will be a Zoom meeting. REGISTER HERE

Chances are, you stepped up to become a nonprofit board member because you love the organization’s mission. That’s great! But did you know that along with your board service comes some important legal responsibilities? Whether your Oregon-based nonprofit is fiscally sponsored, tax exempt, or happens to be a local neighborhood association, you’ll want to attend to learn the basics of nonprofit board service and the important responsibilities that all board members share. This event is geared for folks involved with emerging and/or volunteer-led organizations in Oregon. Come learn how to be a better board member to ensure that your organization thrives!

Location: The Laurelhurst Club: 3721 SE Ankeny St | RSVPs Required by May 6 |  Help Offset Our Costs with a Suggested $15 Donation

Presented by NWNW and SE Uplift and Featuring Special Guest Emcee Poison Waters

We are thrilled to invite you to an event focused on an election which promises to reshape the future of our beloved city. Set against a historic and elegant backdrop, join us for this unique opportunity for engaged Portlanders like yourself to meet and interact with all the candidates running for mayor in the 2024 election. This event is not just a mixer; it will be a platform for dialogue, discovery, and decision-making. As Portland stands at a crossroads, your insights and input are more crucial than ever!

Here’s What You Can Expect:

  • Meet the Candidates: Engage in meaningful conversation with each mayoral candidate. Discover their visions for Portland and ask the questions that matter to you.
  • Network with Neighbors: Connect with fellow Portlanders who share your passion for civic engagement.   Exchange ideas, concerns, and hopes for the city’s future.
  • Special Guest Emcee: We’re delighted that celebrated Portland drag queen Poison Waters will be gracing us with their presence as the event’s emcee, ensuring an evening filled with charm, wit, and unforgettable moments.
  • Enjoy Refreshments: Cash only bar ($5)Savor a selection of beer, wine, and snacks.  
  • An Accessible Space: This venue is accessible by wheelchair and will be fully equipped with restrooms that ensure comfort for all our guests. Seating will be provided. The Laurelhurst Club can be reached by TriMet bus lines #75 (Cesar Chavez Blvd.) and #20 (Burnside St.). On-street parking is also available. Speakers will be amplified. Please indicate any accommodation request below and we will do our best to meet your needs.

We can’t wait to see you there!

This event will be held via Zoom | RSVP Here

Not sure whether you need to file taxes as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation? What paperwork do you need to file as a 501c3? CPAs will talk through tax basics for Domestic Nonprofit Corporations and 501c3s. We encourage you to submit your questions in advance! With CPAs Sang Ahn & Blaine Bradford from McDonald Jacobs Accountants and Consultants. 

This workshop by Diane Odeh and Jessica Homer will provide guidance to organizational leaders on how to integrate a trauma-informed perspective into their organization, recognize and avoid triggers, and minimize stress reactions.

Register here.

This event will be held via Zoom | Register here

This workshop by Andrea Emerson from Full Palette Coaching, LLC, will help you navigate complex conversations and find common ground on divisive and challenging topics.

Presenter’s Bio

Andrea (she/her) is a trusted facilitator, speaker and coach who uses her warm and engaging style to foster dynamic learning environments. She leveraged her early career in nonprofit leadership to build a coaching and consulting business that spans multiple sectors and includes both local and international clients. Her unique blend of curiosity, humor, and authenticity builds trust with diverse audiences and creates space for growth.

She also weaves her lived experience as a biracial (Korean and white) daughter of an international adoptee into her work, which allows her to connect with and serve an even broader range of clients, holding space for their unique cultural and familial journeys. She thrives in the space of serving leaders who want a better understanding of how they show up as a leader, how they steward their power and the influence they have
to collaborate effectively with the teams they lead in order to maximize positive outcomes.

As a certified leadership coach, Andrea also brings a coach approach to her facilitation practice. She designs highly interactive sessions that allow space for adult learners to catalyze their learning from and with one another.


This event will be held via Zoom | Register here

This workshop by Diane Odeh and Jessica Homer will give you an overview of what it means to be equitable and accessible during community engagement processes. Using targeted universalism approach, they will offer practical tips and guidance on how to promote equity and accessibility in event planning, meeting facilitation, and communications – including how to evaluate and enhance current activities and techniques your organization is already doing. 

Presenter’s Bio

Diane L. Odeh, MPA is a PhD Candidate at Portland State University studying social equity as it pertains to civic engagement, ethics, and organizational behavior. She is also a social equity consultant and project associate. In these roles, she delivers workshops and performs program evaluations related to various dimensions of equity. Notable projects include the development of a social equity toolkit for Neighbors West-Northwest neighborhood coalition, an equity-based evaluation of the City of Milwaukie’s civic engagement processes, and facilitation of community audits with emphasis on Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. Diane draws upon her identities as a disabled, Middle Eastern woman who has experienced being houseless to inform her equity lens.

Jessica Homer, JD, CCEP is a licensed attorney and Certified Compliance and Ethics Professional, with a Juris Doctor and a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Organizational Change. Currently, Jessica serves as the ADA Coordinator for the City of Rockville, MD, teaches Disability Law at the University of Louisville, Brandeis School of Law, and is an Attorney and training lead for Moxie Mediation. Jessica’s knowledge of the ADA and background in both employment law and education make her uniquely qualified to find the balance between advocacy and compliance when fostering inclusive workspaces and community.

This event will be held by Zoom | Please register here

This workshop by Annie Rodriguez from Equity Consulting Network, LLC, will teach participants to build trust and respect with their communities and will develop tools and methods for challenging old ways of thinking and behaving.

Presenter Bios

Annie Rodriguez, is founder, Manager, and Senior Consultant of Equity Consulting Network, a multiracial, multicultural team of Professional Development Consultants, Trainers, Community Organizers, Social Workers, Mentors, and Life Coaches.

With over 20 years of experience as an anti-racism trainer, Annie has been offering resources to organizations, community-based groups, and individuals that are ready to take a deeper dive into the processes that lead to racial equity and social justice transformation.​​

Her work with institutions across the U.S. is to influence racial consciousness, social justice and anti-racism change to work toward the elimination of racial & social inequities. Over the past 10 years, her work has mainly focused on racial identity development, racially equitable organizational development transformational solutions, internalized racial oppression development, and building authentic personal/community relationships that lead to systemic change.

Annie holds a Master of Education, Interdisciplinary Studies. She is the proud mother of three daughters and grandmother of five beautiful grandchildren. She currently resides in Jacksonville, FL.

This event will be held on Zoom | Register here

This workshop by Quincy Brown from We All Rise will teach participants the rich tapestry of family history and local history in Portland, and how to center family narratives and local histories in your planning processes. Leverage your experiences and community voices to build transformative change in your neighborhood.

Presenter’s Bio

Quincy Brown is visionary planner, thought leader, and third generation Portland native. He blends technical expertise with community commitment to build coalitions and has influenced nearly every major regional development player in Oregon in the last three years. Quincy has been involved with boundary-breaking work across the Pacific West Coast, from the LA River Project, to Oakland’s Black Cultural Zone, to shaping Oregon’s equitable workforce development.

Quincy holds a bachelor’s degree in Sustainability and the Built Environment from Claremont McKenna College and a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in City and Regional Planning from the University of California, Berkeley. Quincy sits on the board of Oregon Metro’s Committee for Racial Equity. He enjoys spending his free time hiking, kayaking, spending time with family, and designing organic gardens.

This event will be held via Zoom | RSVP Here

Not sure whether you need to file taxes as a Domestic Nonprofit Corporation? What paperwork do you need to file as a 501c3? CPAs will talk through tax basics for Domestic Nonprofit Corporations and 501c3s. We encourage you to submit your questions in advance! With CPAs Sang Ahn & Blaine Bradford from McDonald Jacobs Accountants and Consultants. 

Community Calendar

Wondering when the SE Uplift board or committees meet, or when a district Neighborhood Association meets? Scroll down to the calendar below.

District 3 Neighborhood Associations

See this next section for meeting information from all neighborhoods SE Uplift serves.

Brentwood-Darlington NA

Brentwood Darlington’s public Board Meeting is held the 1st Thursday of the month, 7-9 pm.  Neighbors can use the NA’s closed FB group or email to request the link. The Zoom invite also goes out in the NA’s monthly e-newsletter (sign-up on their website via pop-up form). All meetings are public and everyone is welcome, whether they are board members or not. 

The Brentwood Darlington Land Use and Transportation Committee meeting is held the 2nd Thursday of the month from 7-8 pm. The Brentwood Darlington All-Committees Meeting is held the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 6-7 pm. Due to COVID-19, these meetings are virtual under further notice. Neighbors can use the NA’s closed FB group or email them to request the link to the Zoom meeting.

Brooklyn Action Corps

All meetings are virtual until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Buckman Community Association

The Buckman Community Association meets for the general membership every second Thursday of each month, 7-9 pm. The BCA Board meets together at 6:20 pm every second Thursday of the month preceding the General Meeting. The annual elections are held in June of each year.

Interested attendees may get the link to the virtual meeting space (same link every month), by emailing the Buckman Board.

Creston-Kenilworth NA

All meetings are virtual until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website to access virtual meeting information.

Foster-Powell NA

The Foster-Powell Neighborhood Association meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm. There is no meeting in August. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Hosford-Abernethy NA (HAND)

No meetings in August and December. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated meeting information.

Kerns NA

The Kerns Neighborhood Association Board meets monthly on the third Wednesday of each month except for August and December. General Membership meetings are held on the third Wednesday of May and October. All meetings are virtual until further notice. Please see the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Laurelhurst NA

LNA’s general membership meetings take place every other month between September and May on the 2nd Tuesday. Their board meets every month after the general meetings (on the months when those meetings occur). July and August meetings are usually not held. All meetings are virtual until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Madison South NA

Meetings are held via Zoom at 7pm on the first Thursday of the month in February, April, June, October and December. Visit their website for complete details. 

Montavilla NA

Board meetings are held from 6:30 – 7:30 pm on the second Monday of the month. Meetings are virtual until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website for information on how to sign up to attend meetings.

Mt. Scott-Arleta NA

The Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Association meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM except in January. All meetings are held in the Community Room at 72Foster (5005 SE 72nd Ave). Do not park in the parking lot. Instead use neighborhood local streets to park. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Mt. Tabor NA

Mt. Tabor hosts a meeting every month on the third Wednesday from 7-8:30 pm. Zoom links for these meetings are the NA’s website.

North Tabor NA

The North Tabor Neighborhood Association meets on the third Tuesday of the month. During COVID-19 all meetings are held virtually. Please visit their website for the most up to date information.

Rose City Park NA

Board meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month held from 7-9pm at the German American Society, 5626 NE Alameda St. Visit their website for the agenda and details. 

Roseway NA

Board meetings are hybrid and held monthly on the second Tuesday from 7-8:30pm. Get details on their website here

Richmond NA

The RNA meets the second Monday of every month, except in January when they have a Board Retreat. They host hybrid meetings from 7-9pm on Zoom and in-person. The location for in-person meetings is Central Christian Church, 1844 SE Cesar E. Chavez Blvd, Portland 97214. Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

South Tabor NA

Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month except December. All board meetings are held at The Orchards of 82nd APANO (8188 SE Division St). Please visit the NA’s website for the most updated information.

Sunnyside NA

The Sunnyside Neighborhood Association General Meeting is held on the second Thursday of each month from 7-9 pm. Meetings are virtual until further notice. Please see the NA’s website for the most updated information.

The Sunnyside Community Care Committee is held on the third Thursday of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm. Meeting details can be found on their website.

Woodstock NA 

WNA General Meetings take place on the first Wednesday in September, October, November, December, February, March, April, May and June. All meetings are held virtually until further notice. Please visit the NA’s website for meeting access and the most updated information.

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