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Your Neighborhood, Your Community

Curious about your neighborhood?

If you care about what’s happening in your community, then SE Uplift’s E News and Facebook/Instagram page are the perfect places to get local and citywide news. Find out about; important events; skills-building workshops and grant opportunities; trends in land use and development; and relevant issues pertinent to our coalition area.

Want to get down to the hyper-local level? Contact us and discover the best way to get connected with your neighborhood!

Perhaps you’re a DIY kind of person?​

Then you know already know what it takes to make things happen. Projects don’t complete themselves, neighborhoods don’t advocate for themselves, art doesn’t magically appear; neighbors are the driving force, it takes hard working and dedicated people like you to create a neighborhood with a strong and vibrant presence. Each Portland neighborhood has its own identity and reflects the character of the individuals living and working in them. We want to invite you to join with your neighbors in making great things happen in your community!

Get started right now by contacting SE Uplift District 3 Coalition!

Whether you want more bike lanes, community-conscious development, safer streets, more art, parks, gardens or social events SE Uplift has the resources you need to make your project happen. Discover grants and financial support, workshops, and partnerships with like-minded individuals or organizations with political weight at city hall.

*Every Portland resident, property owner, or business license holder is eligible to be a member of their neighborhood association. Check with your local neighborhood association to see if the bylaws allow additional criteria for membership and inclusion.

Are you on the board of your neighborhood association?

Please visit: SE Uplift – NA Board Member Resources and sign up for our Hey, Neighbor! Flyer.

Are you a neighborhood association board member looking for your staff liaison? Click here.

Enter your address into PortlandMaps to find which neighborhood you live in. 

Check out the interactive map below to discover which Portland neighborhood you call home.

Click on your neighborhood to find more information!

Community that spans parts of both the City of Portland and the City of Milwaukie. It includes areas of Multnomah County and of Clackamas County. Its boundaries reach from the backyards of the homes along Crystal Springs Boulevard in Southeast Portland.

The Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood includes the area between 45th Avenue and 82nd Avenue, south of Duke and north of the county line. It’s a nice place to live!

Brooklyn is one of the oldest neighborhoods on the east side of Portland, with some homes and buildings dating back to the 1800’s. The thriving Brooklyn community supports a free summer program for children, a community garden, and neighborhood volunteers who organize events, deliver newsletters, beautify streets and more.

Buckman, the first eastside neighborhood of Portland, is bounded by SE 28th, Hawthorne Blvd., East Burnside Street and on the west, the Willamette River. “East” Buckman (east of 12th Avenue) is residential and “West” industrial.

The neighborhood, platted in 1889, is named after Sir Walter Scott’s 1821 novel Kenilworth, a romantic novel set in Elizabethan England. Many of the streets in this close-in neighborhood took their names from this novel and other novels by Scott.

Eastmoreland is an early-twentieth century, tree-filled neighborhood in inner southeast Portland, Oregon, United States.

After some years of decline during the economic troubles of the 1970s and 1980s, this area of Southeast Portland is making a comeback. Young families and immigrants, attracted by affordability of housing, are moving into the area, revitalizing community.

Located in SE Portland, the Hosford-Abernethy neighborhood borders the Willamette River on the west, Southeast 29th Avenue on the east, Powell Boulevard on the south and Hawthorne Boulevard on the north. The neighborhood is both residential and industrial.

The Kerns neighborhood is located in Central/Southeast Portland, just on the East side of the Willamette River, North of Burnside Street. It is bordered by the Buckman, Lloyd, Sullivan’s Gulch, Laurelhurst and Sunnyside neighborhoods.

The Laurelhurst neighborhood is a close-in residential area with historic homes and a namesake park. Stone markers are found at entrances and an equestrian statue of Joan of Arc was installed in the 1920’s. The Laurelhurst Historic District is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The Montavilla neighborhood is in East Portland, bordering I-84 to the north and I-205 to the east. The name, formerly Mount Tabor Villa Addition, is from an abbreviated streetcar sign that read “Mt. Ta. Villa.”

The Mt. Scott-Arleta neighborhood of Portland, Oregon is located in the city’s southeast quadrant. It is bounded on the north by SE Foster Road, west by SE 60th Avenue, east by SE 82nd Avenue, and south by SE Duke.

Mount Tabor is a low-key neighborhood with acres of trails at the foot of a 600-foot volcanic peak. Right next door is Hawthorne, a funky district with trendy shops, good eats, and lively nightlife.

The North Tabor neighborhood is located in Portland’s central eastside. It is bordered on the north by Rose City Park, on the west by Laurelhurst, on the south by Mt. Tabor, and on the east by Montavilla.

Reed is a quiet, safe neighborhood that still has a few of its original farmhouses, but generally reflects a “mid-century” architectural style of small Cape Cod bungalows from the 40s and 50s and modern ranch style.

The Richmond neighborhood is in Southeast Portland, bordered by Hosford-Abernethy, Sunnyside, Mt. Tabor, South Tabor, and Creston-Kenilworth. The area encompasses the unique Hawthorne and Clinton/Division districts.

Like most Portland neighborhoods, Sellwood and Moreland neighborhoods feel very self-sustaining. Local grocery stores and coffee shops plus other local businesses make this community feel warm and a lot like its own small town.

South Tabor, named because it is located just South of popular Mt. Tabor Park, is home to Franklin High School, Atkinson Elementary School, a neighborhood gathering place at 61st and Clinton built by City Repair, beautiful gardens, and a Farmers Market.

Known to most as “Belmont”, Sunnyside has a strong sense of Portland individuality. Sunnyside has many locally owned coffee shops, markets, and distinctive shops and restaurants

Woodstock is one of the city’s older neighborhoods, first platted in 1889. Business and civic activity is concentrated in Woodstock’s Village Center located on SE Woodstock Boulevard between SE 39th and SE 52nd Avenues.


City of Portland page: LINK

Rose City Reform Map Page: LINK

Rose City Reform Map Image: LINK


PDF Map Image: LINK

Portland Maps Open Data Districts Map: LINK

Portland Maps Open Data Neighborhoods Map: LINK


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