SE Uplift COVID-19 Response & Resources

As the state of Oregon continues to open back up, SE Uplift is shifting our policies around our space usage. Masks are required inside common spaces. We at SE Uplift want to be clear that we are aware that this pandemic, as well as the crisis around justice for Black lives, is still happening. Please keep in mind that this health crisis is disproportionately harming Black, Indigenous, and disabled communities. We ask that everyone can work together to follow the guidelines for our space.
We will be keeping our staff and our community as safe as we can by following the guidelines below:
Staff are onsite at our regularly scheduled office hours (Tuesday-Thursday, 10:00AM-5:00PM). Schedule meetings in advance to ensure availability.
Meetings/Events & Mask Policy:
See our Meeting and Events page for updated information.
Please wear a mask before entering the building. We prioritize public safety and access for our most at-risk community members. This includes mitigating risks through mandatory masking when sharing spaces inside. Masks and hand sanitizer are available throughout the building.
- CDC – What’s New and Updated
- Oregon Health Authority – COVID 19 Updates
- Multnomah County – Health and Business Tools and Guidance

SE Uplift is officially recommending that Neighborhood Associations continue to meet virtually at the minimum.
Please reach out to your liaison for more information, if you have questions, or need assistance of any kind. Also, we recommend that NAs follow these websites for detailed public health information:
- CDC – What’s New and Updated
- Oregon Health Authority – COVID 19 Updates
- Multnomah County – Health and Business Tools and Guidance
Please visit our elections page for the most up to date information.
If you are concerned about your bylaws and compliance with Department of Justice standards, please connect with your community liaison to have further discussion. Don’t know your neighborhood Liaison? Check out our staff bios to find out! ( SE Uplift Staff )
This is a great exercise in how to be accessible, resilient, and flexible when presented with change. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance, we are ready to help!
Schedule time with our Operations Specialist to pick up mail. All neighborhood associations within the district receive mail at SE Uplift.

We know this is a difficult time for everyone, isolation is difficult for all of us. SE Uplift reminds everyone to prioritize their mental and physical health. Go on walks, ride a bicycle, call friends and family, video chat with a friend, and eat plenty of fruits and veggies while watching your favorite shows!
We recommend Safe + Strong for more information about staying well. This program is very community focused, particularly on mental health and wellbeing. The phone line is 1-800-923-HELP (4357). Information is available in multiple languages.
Please be sure that whatever activities you are engaging in will not put others at risk for getting sick. Follow official guidance (like from the CDC’s website: What’s New & Updated) and wear your mask!
With the new culture of online meetings, it is important to still maintain safety precautions to uninvited and disruptive guests. While it is important to stay consistent with the open meeting requirements as defined in the ONI Standards. Please visit Civic Life’s webpage regarding some tips around web-based remote meetings.
The Mayor’s Office has complied a list of online resources for those seeking relief from the economic strains of the pandemic. You can view these economic relief resources here.