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Community Small Grants

Applications are due by Tuesday, October 31, 11:59 PM Pacific Time

Communities become stronger when neighbors come together across differences to build connections to one another and create a shared vision for change. Through SE Uplift’s Community Small Grant program, groups with a project located in the SE Uplift district area – and/or that will serve the residents of the district –  may apply for funding to help shape the places where they live, work and play. SE Uplift provides training and technical support to help applicants submit a strong proposal and see their ideas through to completion.


  1. Increase the number and diversity of people who are engaged in the broader community.
  2. Build community leadership, identity, skills, relationships, and partnerships.
  3. Increase community impact on public decision-making.
  4. Improve neighborhood livability.


1. Review the Community Small Grants Program Handbook

This resource provides all you need to know about the program, eligibility, and application support. It includes a sample budget and tips for a successful application. Check out this list of frequently asked questions for more insight!

2. Download the narrative and budget templates. 

These are designed so you can prepare your application offline then transfer your answers into our online application form. 

Other Ways to Apply

  • Mail to SE Uplift, Attn: Alex Cherin | 3534 SE Main St. | Portland, OR 97214  (Applications must be received by the deadline.)
  • Email: Send the completed template as a Word doc or PDF to with “CSG Grant Application” in the subject.
  • Drop Off: Tue-Thur, 10 AM – 5 PM | SE Uplift | 3534 SE Main St. | Portland, OR 97214

Applications will be evaluated by our volunteer-led Grants Review Committee without regard to submission method. 

Don’t Forget!

*If you need to apply for fiscal sponsorship from SE Uplift, click here to fill out the application. Or download this form if you need to verify your fiscal sponsorship with another 501(c)(3) organization.

Looking for Inspiration?

Check out our 2023 Community Small Grant Recipients

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