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Grantee Final Report 2023

2023 Grantee Final Report

The purpose of the final report is to provide SE Uplift with a written record of grant-related activities, accomplishments, and challenges faced during the grant term. We use this report for grant management, results assessment, impact evaluation, and learning. This information will also help SE Uplift provide guidance to other groups wanting to complete similar projects.

Grantee & Project Information

May we include your email address with your project description on our website?
Is this the first grant you or your project group received?

Final Narrative

Please provide a short, stand-alone summary paragraph of your project recapping its activities, goals, and results. (This description will be used on the SE Uplift website)
For each of the objectives and activities outlined in your grant proposal and grant agreement, describe your actual results to date. Please include any successes or challenges you had. If you were unable to achieve an objective or activity or if your project changed direction, please describe the stumbling blocks you ran into.
What other organizations assisted with your project? Please list the names of any organizations you partnered or informally collaborated with and provide a brief description of how they helped.
Tell us about the volunteers who assisted with your project (include the number of volunteers, types of support provided, and general demographics). Don’t forget to include yourself and core team, if you volunteered time.

Next Steps & Reflections

Images, Budget, Receipts

Accepted file types: docx, pdf, Max. file size: 50 MB.
This is the same budget form that you filled out in your application; however we’d like you to input your actual project costs (both grant funds and leveraged funds) and in-kind donations (items, services, and volunteer time) contributed to the project.
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, docx, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    Projects without SE Uplift Fiscal Sponsorship: Copies of receipts from all grant related expenditures are required with your final report.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png, Max. file size: 50 MB, Max. files: 5.
      Send link to google drive folder with imagery.

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