The Land Use and Transportation (LUTC) Charter development process wrapped up in August 2016. Using both in-person and online forums, the group developed a robust Charter that outlines the group’s scope, authority, roles and responsibilities, and more. The intent of this document is to provide clarity for new and existing LUTC members as well as community members and SE Uplift Board members to understand what the LUTC does and does not do and what they have selected to prioritize with their limited capacity.
Over the course of four months, 11 neighborhood members participated online, approximately 15 neighborhood representatives participated in-person during LUTC meetings. Additionally, one-on-one conversations with Land Use representatives were used to inform this document as well. See the Charter Draft on SE Uplift’s website here. The Draft will be finalized after being approved by the SE Uplift Board in November or December.
Review the Draft Charter here.!
In the spirit of continuous quality improvement, the new Neighborhood Planning Program Manager, Leah Fisher, is spending her first days at SE Uplift meeting Land Use and Transportation chairs/representatives and conducting a review of the role and the Land Use Transportation Committee (LUTC). She will be connecting with LUTC members and the group as a whole throughout May and June. The purpose of this review is to understand what is working well, what can be improved, and where “opportunities” and “threats” exist in the Land Use/Transportation role and meeting structure and process. This information will be compiled into a combined “SWOT analysis” to help inform the direction forward.
Leah hopes to connect information from every Land Use and/or Transportation chair/representative by mid-June. Additionally, the LUTC will be spending a majority of the May 16th and June 20th meetings developing a Charter to ground members in the purpose, and collectively identify tools and practices that will inform the operations of the committee and maximize its potential. We hope all LU/T chairs/representatives are able to attend and participate in the next two monthly meetings to ensure we have broad geographic representation. Contact Leah Fisher at or 503-232-0010 x 313 if you have questions about the purpose of this review, the process or timing, or to share information.