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Department of Justice Annual Report

Financial Reporting with The Department of Justice:
All neighborhoods associations are required to be incorporated with the Secretary of State.  As a result, all neighborhood associations must also register with the Department of Justice, Charitable Activities Section, regardless of the amount of revenue brought in annually.

Neighborhood associations can file their annual report either online through the Department of Justice website or by mail. A preprinted hard copy of your report will be sent to the mailing address on file with the Department of Justice. If the form is not received, you can download a blank version from the Department of Justice website. Review the form and follow the instructions provided. If the neighborhood association updated bylaws in the past year a copy needs to be provided. Update the President (“Chair”), Treasurer and Secretary information and pay the $20 fee. We recommend each neighborhood association list SE Uplift as their mailing address, rather than list an individual that is potentially no longer serving on your board.

Check Due Date:
Your neighborhood association’s annual DOJ report is due 4 months and 15 days after the end of your organizations accounting period. To find your organizations reporting period, search your neighborhood’s name on the Department of Justice database and select the corresponding link. The database will provide you with the reporting period that you submitted your last report for. To get your current reporting period, add a year. To calculate your due date, add 4 months and 15 days to the last day of that reporting period.

Neighborhood associations can be reimbursed up to $20 of the annual filing fee. To receive reimbursement, please email or mail in a reimbursement request form (download PDF version here), a copy of your annual report, and receipt of fee payment.
Mail: 3534 SE Main St, 97214

Example Report and Instructions:
To download a PDF version, please click Here.

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