SE Uplift is proud to announce the inspiring and innovative projects that will be supported by the Creative Engagement Grant program this year. The Creative Engagement Grant program aims to encourage new approaches to community participation and to heighten civic dialogue. We can’t wait to see how these five projects evolve! Stay tuned for updates on them by signing up for our newsletter or following us on Facebook.
1. BDNA Neighborhood Farm Stand, Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association
Amount Funded: $1,266
In partnership with Portland State University’s Learning Gardens Laboratory, the Brentwood-Darlington Neighborhood Association plans to build a farm stand that will promote neighborhood level community involvement and provide the neighborhood with fresh, affordable, and organically grown produce. The farm stand structure will include a storytelling board for neighborhood related stories, art, and photos. During the summer, BDNA also plans to host meetings at the farm stand.
2. CKNA Welcome Wagon, Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association
Amount Funded: $360
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association is establishing a welcome wagon pilot project that will raise visibility of CKNA, foster a culture of connection, and encourage their budding small businesses. New residents to the neighborhood will receive a package with donated gifts from neighborhood businesses and printed information about the neighborhood association and community events.
3. Eastside Forum, Living Stages with Montavilla Neighborhood Association
Amount Funded: $1,900
Living Stages and the Montavilla Neighborhood Association will offer two interactive theater performances, a workshop, and a community leadership training to engage community members in dialogue and action about oppression, inequity, and what it takes to create and sustain an inclusive and participatory community. The project hopes to bring new voices to MNA meetings and support participants in building leadership skills and group facilitation techniques.
4. Foster Window Project, Foster Powell Neighborhood Association
Amount Funded: $1,200
Foster Powell Neighborhood Association plans to install temporary art installations in four unused or underused windows on Foster Rd with the goals of raising awareness of and participation in the NA and increasing visual interest and walkability along Foster Rd. The installations will be based on ideas generated from a community polling effort that will ask neighbors to imagine the possibilities for the spaces.
5. SE Portland Neighborhood Kickball Championship, Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Association
Amount Funded: $300
The Mt. Scott-Arleta Neighborhood Association will host a kickball tournament between six SE Portland neighborhoods. The kickball games will provide an opportunity for neighbors to get to know one another, learn more about neighborhood associations, and build community.