Have you ever considered attending a SE Uplift Land Use & Transportation Committee meeting?
All community members are invited to these meetings. Come see what we have in store for the coming months!
Roads, sidewalks, housing, employment, goods and services, and transportation options that exist in a neighborhood greatly impact the livability and health of a community. Southeast Uplift brings together neighbors, community groups, and government agencies to address concerns and opportunities related to our transportation system and land use patterns. The Land Use and Transportation Committee serves as a forum for information sharing, discussion, and evaluation of land use and transportation plans and policies that affect neighborhoods in the SE Uplift Coalition area. The committee frequently invites representatives from the City of Portland, Metro, TriMet and other organizations to speak on a variety of current issues.
Sign up for SE Uplift LUTC Updates on our main page to stay informed of future topics such as:
March Meeting: Do you want to use your unimproved street as a park or community space? Are you interested in hosting a parade, block party, or event in the street? The Portland in the Streets program wants residents to do just that. Staff will attend the LUTC in March to share what and how neighbors can make that happen.
April Meeting: Have you noticed your neighborhood’s main street transforming around you? Would you like to have a say, or know what to say, when it comes to the look and feel of new construction? We will host speakers who will share some design basics along with a toolkit of resources for neighborhood associations, business associations, or other groups or individuals who want to influence design in their community.