By: Molly Mayo, Executive Director
SE Uplift is celebrating our 50th birthday! Come join the party! RSVP HERE
We will be celebrating Thursday, August 23 from 3:30-7:30 pm, with music, food, fun, and activities right here at the SE Uplift building, 3534 SE Main Street.
We will be honoring several long-serving volunteers, and have activities related to our five-decade history of building healthy neighborhoods and promoting community involvement.
Please help us spread the word far and wide about this celebration! So many people have been a part of SE Uplift as volunteers and staff, with numerous relationships with city government, bureaus, community groups and organizations, and businesses.
We want to hear from you! Please call the SE Uplift director Molly Mayo with questions about the event or if you have history to share. She will put you in touch with the planning committee.