By: Molly Mayo, Executive Director
SE Uplift is proud to share our new mission statement:
To collaborate with the SE Portland community to build informed, inclusive, and participatory neighborhoods that support our social and ecological well-being.
It is great to have a fresh mission statement that reflects the coalition’s collective values and more clearly states the organization’s purpose. The new mission statement was voted on and approved at the May Board of Directors meeting. You can read more about the process here.
In an interesting synchronicity, the new SE Uplift mission statement coincides with a “rebranding” of the Office of Neighborhood Involvement (ONI). ONI released information last week about its new name– the Office of Civic and Community Life–– that will officially take effect July 1. The bureau is already implementing the name change. SE Uplift is one of seven district coalitions that work as partners of the Office of Civic and Community Life (OCCL). The district coalition grant contracts for the 2018-2019 fiscal year will contain new bureau-wide goals that will be applied to all programs of the Office of Civic and Community Life, as part of the bureau’s current emphasis on working together across the city for the common good. ONI’s new goals are related to modeling inclusive practices, realizing more adaptive decision-making in community and government, and changing the culture of civic engagement to build a community of fulfilled and empowered Portlanders.
The new OCCL goals are well-aligned with the new SE Uplift mission of collaboration for inclusive and participatory neighborhoods, and social and ecological well-being. SE Uplift is very pleased with the corresponding content and timing of new mission statement and the new face of the Office of Civic and Community Life.