By: Mireaya Medina, Community Outreach Coordinator
Just the thought of going to a public meeting in your neighborhood can cause exhaustion and anxiety, especially if no one else in the room looks like you, speaks the same language as you or holds similar cultural beliefs.
You may think to yourself, If I speak up about this issue, will I be seen as intellectual enough or understood as a person with opposing ideas? Will I be seen as angry or combative? Even wondering if your blazer is too wrinkled can be a daunting experience. The truth is, it takes bravery to lift your voice in those moments.
In order to create necessary shifts based in equity, a variety of opinions, ideas and culture at public meetings are vital in creating changes in city systems, including the City of Portland’s Neighborhood System. Did you know that Portlanders with and without shelter have a vote during neighborhood meetings?
Portland neighborhoods need you to show up, show out and step up to the plate to create the change they want to see in their neighborhoods. We need all voices at the table to create a more colorful, impactful and bountiful table.