Learn ways to raise awareness about traffic problems, change policy, and fund safety improvements (crosswalks, speed-bumps, etc.) on your neighborhood streets at the Traffic Safety Action-shop, Thursday, February 23rd. Come with an idea about a traffic safety problem you want to solve and we’ll help you develop a plan for taking action!
Thursday, February 23, 2017 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Light refreshments 6 p.m.
Lents Village, 10305 SE Holgate Blvd
SE Uplift and East Portland Neighborhood Office (EPNO)’s Traffic Safety Action-shop is your opportunity learn strategies to improve safety on neighborhood streets and prevent tragedies before they happen. This is the first of three solutions-oriented workshops – additional workshops scheduled for North and Southwest Portland in March and April.
The Traffic Safety Action-shop will provide participants with an opportunity to:
- Learn from, and connect with transportation experts: Workshops will feature a basic overview of transportation policy and funding, environmental design fostering safe and walkable communities, and communication and education strategies designed to change risky behavior. Presenters include staff from Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT), along with other professionals working in the field.
- Hear from neighbors about what works: Neighborhood volunteers will share their own success stories highlighting how grassroots efforts have resulted in policy change, safer behavior, and improvements like sidewalks and speed-bumps, etc.
- Walk away with a plan for action: Participants are asked to come with a transportation issue or traffic safety concern they would like to tackle during the second half of the workshop. Whether the concern is broad and uncertain, or very specific, participants will leave with a plan for next steps to a solution. Come alone, or bring a buddy to work on a shared problem. All are welcome!
Workshop facilities are wheelchair accessible. To help ensure equal access to our programs, services and activities, we will reasonably modify policies/procedures and provide auxiliary aids/services/alternative formats to persons with disabilities and provide language translation for persons with limited or no English. For ADA and language translation requests, please call 503-232-0010 as soon as possible so that we can work together to address your needs.
How do I know this workshop is for me? Are you looking for solutions? Are you ready to take action on an issue close to your heart and home but not sure where to start or what to do next? This is the workshop for you! These workshops are intentionally developed to support community members of all knowledge and experience levels in taking action on a transportation issue or traffic safety concern. Whether you are new to this topic or a transportation guru looking to take your advocacy efforts to the next level, we’d love for you to attend.
Do I need to RSVP? Please do, as this will help us prepare and provide enough snacks and a productive learning environment for all. Even if you are interested, but not completely certain at this time, please register here and update your RSVP as appropriate.
When and where are the other Traffic Safety Action-shops? Two other workshops will be hosted in addition to the one on February 23rd. Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN) and North Portland Neighborhood Services (NPNS) will co-host a second workshop March 30th at the NPNS office. Southwest Neighborhoods Inc. (SWNI) and Neighbors West Northwest (NWNW) will co-host the last training in late April. Details will be posted to SE Uplift’s community calendar as they become available.