What We Do
Portland continues to face a crisis of houselessness that impacts each and every one of our neighborhoods. As houselessness is a complex and far-reaching issue with a wide range of programs, initiatives, resources and challenges, it can be difficult to know how to help.
The SE Uplift Houselessness Action Committee (HAC) is a place for exchange, discussion and guided action with hopes to better the life and safety of our housed and unhoused neighbors here in Portland. We first look to serve as a forum for information sharing and discussion of Southeast Portland issues and actions related to houselessness. We hope that neighbors (housed and unhoused) can openly share experiences, challenges and successes, gaining feedback, support and confidence. We also look to connect neighbors with resources and initiatives that are working in our local area. In this effort, we have hosted a wide range of guests including staff from the City of Portland, Street roots, Portland Street Response, WeShine and Portland Shelter Now.
The HAC has collated resources for Houselessness action and information that can be found here: SE Uplift HAC resource page
Occasionally, the HAC will make recommendations to the SE Uplift Board in favor or in opposition to significant Houslessness issues that affects our coalition area. Recommendations are made by appointed neighborhood association representatives in attendance. Participants may also represent SE Uplift on Citizen Advisory Committees and other working groups to ensure the concerns of neighbors are addressed in the development of public policy.
Who Can Attend?
This is a forum for all interested community members. All are welcome to attend and request agenda topics for this meeting as well as engage in monthly discussions about Houselessness, initiatives, community actions & ideas, and more. We only ask that participants follow our meeting rules of conduct, centered around respectful behavior.
When We Meet
SE Uplift’s Houselessness Action Committee meets every fourth Monday at 6:00 pm. Join Zoom Meeting: https://seuplift.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4a84efa1c147dfb552edc5c95&id=3c3c4f4684&e=cbf50c2220
January 2025 Meeting: No January HAC Meeting
The Southeast Uplift/District 3 Coalition Houselessness Action Committee is busy planning 2025 programming so we will not meet on Monday, January 27th. However, we look forward to seeing you on Monday, February 23 at 6pm! In the meantime, we have compiled the following information to share with you:
If you are looking to make a difference in your community, consider joining the 2025 Point in Time Count (PITC) of our unsheltered neighbors. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires communities receiving Continuum of Care (CoC) funding to conduct an annual Point in Time Count (PITC). Since 2023, Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington Counties have collaborated to conduct a Tri-County coordinated PITC to meet this requirement. The 2025 PITC starts today and will take place through January 29, 2025. To assist with the count, volunteers will be assigned to locations where services are provided, helping administer the survey at those sites. A 90-minute training session via Zoom is required before participating. If you are interested in volunteering, please fill out this form.
This week, Mayor Wilson presented at a Portland City Council work session his blueprint for ending unsheltered homelessness in Portland. Entitled “A Safe Bed for Every Neighbor, Every Night” you can watch the presentation here, and access the slides here.
Last week, City Council approved the creation of eight City Council Committees that will serve as the primary way for the public to shape policy made by Council. Among them is a Homelessness and Housing Committee. Visit the page to bookmark it and stay tuned to the committee page for the meeting schedule, agendas and to sign up to present public testimony on this matter.
Southeast Uplift/District 3 Coalition is conducting a survey to gather broad community input on a range of civic topics to inform the policymaking efforts of the three newly-elected members to City Council for District 3: Councilor Tiffany Koyama Lane, Councilor Angelita Morillo, and Councilor Steve Novick. This survey is open to everyone who lives and/or works in the 19 neighborhoods which make up the District 3 community through Friday, January 31st, 2025. We will share the results at a district-wide community gathering in late winter/early spring with our new City Councilors to learn, connect and engage with each other for the common good. Survey takers will receive the results at the email provided and will be invited to the summit. Take the survey here!
2022 Meeting Agendas & Notes
Meeting Date | Agenda | Mtg. Summary | Materials |
January 24th | Agenda | Summary | Proposed changes to AHFE Full report |
February 28th | Agenda | Summary | . |
March 28th | Agenda | Summary | |
April 25th | Agenda | Summary | |
May 30th | Agenda | Summary | |
June 27th | Agenda | Summary | |
July 25th | Agenda | Summary | |
August 22nd | Agenda | Summary | |
September 26th | Agenda | Summary | |
October 24th | Agenda | Summary | |
November 28th | Agenda | Summary | |
December 26th | Agenda | Summary | Happy Holidays! |
2021 Meeting Agendas & Notes
Meeting Date | Agenda | Mtg. Summary | Materials |
January 25th | Agenda | Summary | |
February 22nd | Agenda | Summary | . |
March 22nd | Agenda | Summary | HAC Mission and Values |
April 26th | Agenda | Summary | |
May 24th | Agenda | Summary | |
June 28th | Agenda | Meeting cancelled | |
July | No meeting | No meeting | |
August 23rd | Agenda | Summary | |
September 27th | Agenda | Summary | |
October 25th | Agenda | Summary | |
November 22nd | Agenda | Summary | |
December 27th | Agenda | Summary | Happy Holidays! |