Sunnyside Neighborhood Association Elections
2020 Sunnyside Neighborhood Board Elections
by Reuben Deumling, Sunnyside NA Outgoing Board Member
Are you a resident in Sunnyside? Our Neighborhood Association is planning to hold our annual board elections on July 9th of this year, two months later than we normally would. Other neighborhoods across the city are experimenting with ways to accomplish an election that conforms to each neighborhood’s bylaws as well as avoids risks to anyone’s health. We considered (1) a largely digital approach, (2) a hybrid video-conference-based election combined with a staffed ballot box, as well as (3) an outdoor venue using small (but very much socially distant) adjustments to our tried-and-true in-person procedures.
Our hope and intention is to conduct our elections outside in the fresh air adjacent to S.E. Uplift’s building at 3534 SE Main St. The parking lot and mini-park offer a good amount of space, and the proximity to the building makes staging this relatively straightforward.
The basic format will resemble a typical election where candidates briefly introduce themselves and the membership (anyone who lives in the neighborhood, owns a business here, or is the designated representative of a business or community group or organization located in Sunnyside) votes by paper ballot. Voters will create a line 6 feet apart and cast their ballot at an on-site ballot box. The votes will be collected and tallied by our liaison from S.E. Uplift, Christina Estimé, who has helped us with past elections. We are excited to make this work and hope you will join us!
For any questions or interest in being part of the board, please e-mail:
Visit our website: