By: Mireaya Medina, Communications Manager
Stepping into STEPtember is like a walk in the park, literally. Every year Oregon Walks does this cool calendar of community planned events to get pedestrians moving, called STEPtember!
Oregon Walks is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit membership organization dedicated to promoting walking and making the conditions for walking safe, convenient and attractive throughout the Portland metropolitan region.
Oregon Walks believes:
- Walking must be safe.
- Walking should get you there.
- Walking is transportation which builds better communities.
- Walkable communities require careful, inclusive design.
- Streets shared by pedestrians and others are the best streets.
- Everyone who leaves home is a pedestrian, whether in a wheelchair, stroller, on foot, or even getting to a motor vehicle or mass transit.
Host a “thrift store score” walk or a walk to find the “best brussels sprouts in town”. There are so many creative walks that can benefit others, like walks that double as litter pick-ups or cookie drop-offs to seniors and neighbors who may need a helping hand.
Check the Oregon Walks website for more awesome event ideas!
For more information or to plan a STEPtember event with Oregon Walk, contact